Sunday, May 18, 2008

no shirt dad

Lately Ryder has been wanting to "wrestle" at every waking moment. It goes kinda like this. "Hey dad, you want to wrestle?" He takes me by the hand and leads me to the arena he has chosen for the day (My bed, the family room, etc...) and then insists that he take his shirt off. He then says, "take your shirt off dad!" If there were a bowl of mud near by I get the feeling he would want to smear some all over us before we engage in battle. The second my shirt comes off he charges me and dives into me like a WWF wrestler. This goes on for quiet a while and of course he annihilates me until I'm practically unconscious. The whole experience is a crack up. Who needs to win the lotto when you have times like these. Priceless!