Monday, July 14, 2008

Beyond Frustration

Okay, so you know in my previous post I said that I had a whole bunch of pictures for posts that were never written. Well, I got on the computer today with the intention of posting some very wonderful pictures of my first tomato and guess what-can't find it! Arg!!!!! Anyway, I have had some mild success with my vegetable garden. Here are a couple of pictures that were not lost.

So I am going to go ahead and blame Aaron for losing my tomato pictures. It can only be his fault since, I never lose anything. Ever. Plus now I can segway into my next topic.

First, let me preface by saying, "I love you, honey. Now I'm going to talk about you." Aaron has the unique ability to make anything he touches disappear. Forever. He's kind of like King Midas but nothing is turning into gold. Usually it is stuff that is "mine" that he has determined does not belong where I have put it. He then zaps it into a parallel universe. Then when I ask him about the missing stuff he acts as if I have lobsters crawling out of my ears. "What do you mean? What bill? The one that said 'VERY IMPORTANT! DO NOT THROW AWAY!' No I never saw that." And it seems that my children have this disappearing gene as well. There have been numerous times when I have bought them a toy only to have them play with it for 10 minutes before I hear, "MMMOOOMMM! I CAN'T FIND MY CAR/POLLY POCKET/THE THING THAT YOU GLUED TO MY HAND SO I WOULDN'T LOSE IT! I LOST IT! FIND IT! DEATH IS LOOMING!" I am convinced that my counterpart in the next dimension is having a grand time stashing away all the lost stuff from my house. Only one time did she have compassion for my dear husband's life when I could not find the dryer balls. (See exhibit A here, Now, who in the world would put my dryer balls anywhere else but in the dryer? Well, when Aaron is living with you the answer is quite obvious. So, I assaulted him with questions like,"What did you do with them??!!! My dryer balls! THEY ARE MISSING!" His reply of course was, "Well, maybe you threw them away." At this moment my counterpart in the next dimension felt that Aaron's life might be in jeopardy and warmed up her flux capacitor to send those dryer balls back. I found them in the small lunch cooler that sits next to the dryer. How else would my dryer balls manage to get in there?

So if you are in need to get rid of something. Anything. Call Aaron.

Love ya, Babe!


Ann Hermanson said...

I must say, Lyndsey, that I haven't laughed out loud for quite some time until I read your most recent post! Maybe because it sounded so familiar do you think? Anyway, thank you for adding a substantial bit of levity to my day!

Begin to Breathe said...

you are a crack up and i can TOTALLY relate!! at my house, it's my husbands stuff that is always missing...he's the one that loses it, but like the kids, thinks that mom (wifey) is the only one that find it (OR EVEN LOOK FOR IT)! so now when they ask me to find something for them, i let them know that if i find it it will either be mine (if it's money) or it will be recylced since most of what is lost around here is plastic! thanks for a great laugh this morning!!

The Miller Clan said...

LOL! You are so funny! I can just see you telling this story.

Unknown said...

This is absolutely laugh-out-loud funny!!! LOVE IT!!!